Mindscapes: A Poetry Anthology

By: Talia Flanzraich

I welcome you to follow my art IG @taliascreations331 to view my artwork.

My book: “Up and Down the Ladder” is available on Amazon:


TRIGGER WARNINGS: Bullying, anxiety, harassment, depression, anger issues, weight issues, verbal abuse, COVID-19, friendship problems, and binge eating problems.  


When I was two years old, I was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. I didn’t speak until I was four years old. Living with Autism has been both a blessing and a curse for me. Having Autism means I have a huge imagination, a knack for words and language, a kind and genuine nature, and an appreciation for the little things life gives. Having Autism also means I’ve been subjected to bullying and abuse which has greatly impacted my mental health. When I was eleven years old, I was diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). Throughout my entire youth, I struggled with a binge eating disorder that negatively affected both my mental and physical wellbeing. Food became my narcotic of choice, something to numb myself from all the emotional anguish I had. 

For many years, I’ve used poetry and visual arts to express my emotions. I believe that writing poetry and making art has had a powerful healing effect on me, and it continues to help me work through my emotions and challenge my negative thoughts. Sometimes, I have a hard time talking about my feelings, so I channel all my sadness, anger, and frustration into my creative work. I feel more confident, happier, and at peace when I am making art and writing poetry. Without writing poetry and making art, I don’t know where I’d be today. It has literally improved my quality of life. 

I have some mental health and autism poems I’d like to share with you. 

Alien Girl

No one wanted me!

All the kids kept me inside

a small prison box. 

Journals, books, and toys 

were my friends I could speak to

at recess and lunch. 

Friendships were useless;

Friends would melt like oil

and burn out fast. 

The kids were people, 

I was not a real person;

I was a martian. 

I despised recess;

Recess was like attending 

a mandated club. 

Schoolmates hated me. 

I became the black sheep of

each young family. 

Loneliness changed me;

It made me a gift 

that no one wished for.

My Voice Was My Sword

There once lived a young lady named Talia. I was tall like a medium-sized bookshelf, brunette as a coffee bean and my lips were red as strawberry-flavoured Jelly-Belly’s. My skin was light like peaches and cream, but was sometimes as tanned as sand dunes. I was puffy like a mammoth beach ball, but rough like a silver marble bench. 

I was red as blood, 

who became hot like flaming fire; 

Poof! I exploded! 

I used my voice as a sword. I was hurt by other people’s voices, so now I owned the same type of sword as the bullies used to make me bleed and burn inside. The words were as painful as migraines, twisted ankles and bee stings. I injured people with my inner sword. I made them bleed and burn inside, because I was bleeding and burning inside. 

My voice was my sword; 

It was sharp and pointy 

like a butcher knife. 

The Same Game With The Same Pieces

It was the same game 

I played with them. 

We used the same pieces 

and game board. 

Either way around, 

they never won this game. 

I reached the finish line 

way before they did. 

I was the winner, 

they were the losers. 

They were slow as snails 

and I was fast as a bunny. 

I was the first to grab 

my own golden ticket. 

I left the game feeling like 

a champion who kept playin' and playin'.

Swimming In My Own Mental Filth

When I’m moody, 

it’s like I’m drowning, 

floating and swimming 

in a vast sea of 

filthy, stinky, polluted and 

black onyx water. 

The sea is as dark 

as the nights sky 

and cold like snow. 

Depression is 

like swimming in 

my own mental filth. 

When I’m hurt and angry, 

I swim in a swamp 

of my own salty tears. 

It’s like an inundation 

of my tears I’m spilling 

onto the wooden floors. 

I swim, 

float and drink 

my own poisonous chemicals 

I’ve produced inside of me. 

My home becomes 

a lonely forest 

with little crimson puddles. 

My bedroom turns into 

a massive cold black river 

I’ve hopped right into. 

Squishy As A Pillow

I was so chubby 

that I became 

squishy as a pillow. 

Someone could sleep on me 

and use my stomach 

as a jumbo pillow. 

T-shirts and jeans 

were so tight they 

stuck to my body 

like Trident gum. 

I was so rotund 

that I became 

squishy as a pillow. 

I was a human plush toy 

that one could use 

to hug me and play with. 

My belly was bouncy 

like a mini trampoline 

that fingers could bounce on. 

I had a double chin 

and my neck was 


Sweet Tooth

I was a sweet tooth 

who couldn't stop craving 

candies, cookies, ice cream and cake. 

It was an addiction that 

I wanted to stop 

but I was unable to. 

The aroma of sugar 

made me drown in 

my own pool of syrup. 

The sight of ice cream 

made me freeze 

like an igloo. 

I was consumed with 

sweets and sugar 

like I was about 

to go on an edible drug overdose. 

It was perilous 

like smoke penetrating 

my brain, belly, and throat. 

The sound of cookies baking 

made me run to the kitchen. 

The touch of goopy custard 

made me sticky like taffy. 

The sweet smack of chocolate 

made my stomach roar 

like a lion in the jungles of Africa. 

I was a sweet tooth 

who couldn't stop thinking about 

Oreo cookies, hot fudge sundaes, Dairy Queen blizzards and cotton candy milkshakes. 

Artificial sugar was my narcotic 

that made me high as a kite 

and stoned as a rock. 

I’m Worn Out 

I'm worn out

like ripped, smelly, unclean, 

and nasty shirts. 

Sugar-coating my disability

is mentally and emotionally draining. 

I'm fed up

with feeling 

like a cheap piece of garment. 

I know 

the full truth, 

so why does my mind 

keep fibbing to me? 

I'm worn out 

like faded hair dye. 

Setting high standards 

for myself

takes up so much energy, 

I'm not even kidding. 

I'm fed up 

with molding myself

too much, 

just so I can 

avoid making mistakes, 

and losing friends. 

I'm worn out, 

I'm frustrated, 

I'm baffled, 

I'm about to collapse, 

and lose my breath!

Autism is a part of me, 

and it's a sacred 

part of my identity.

I need to stop 


and villainizing it.


I had this strong feeling 

brewing inside of me

for days, weeks, months, 

hours, seconds, and minutes.

I knew 

deep down in my soul

that something needed

to be resolved. 

The long-awaited day came 

quick as Woody Woodpecker.

I found the solution

I’ve been fishing for



focusing on the end goal, 

I walked to my farm, 

grabbed my gardening tools, 

and began to plant seeds

of courage, confidence, and freedom. 

I watched those seeds

turn into lean,

tall, peaceful, and nourished plants 

of courage, confidence, and freedom. 

Once these plants grew,

slim, trim, and gorgeous, 

I told myself

that this abusive friendship 

needed to come to a halt,

before I’d go bonkers. 

After taking one little peak

at my plants 

of courage, confidence, and freedom,

I unlocked the gates 

of hell,

and ran off. 

I joyously

took off 

my peasant uniform,

and threw it

in the swamp. 

I’m glad

I’m no longer 

the peasant 

she made me be 

when I was her friend. 


was like being shackled,

not being able 

to stand my ground

when necessary.

Distant Apologies 

I’m truly sorry 

If I threw 

our precious friendship

down the dirty drain. 

I’m truly sorry 

you believed 

I slammed the doors 

in your face. 

There were things 

you did that 

made me bleed inexorably,

and I couldn’t 

vocalize the excruciating pain 

to you. 


I did things 

in return, 

because I was 

severed, kicked, and punched 

in the face and gut 

with your words and actions. 

My strength 

was stolen.

I got it back 

and I’m grateful for that. 

My peace 

was snatched from me. 

I’ve reclaimed it 

and nobody

will take it from me,


You deserve 

the benefit of the doubt.

You’ve earned back

my respect, dignity, and kindness. 

That’s why 

I want to give you

a distant apology.

Emergency! I’m Having A Panic Attack

The same black chants 

play inside my noisy brain- 

recorded voices. 

I listen to them 

as I breathe like a jogger, 

sweating with great fear. 

My body is hot 

and red as chili; 

very sick and tired. 

I grapple to breathe, 

think, talk, and walk- 

I'm mentally frail. 

Come on, come on, quick! 

It's a big emergency 

and I can't operate!

Socially Starved

My psyche 

was grumbling 


I’ve been 

hungry and socially starved 

for several weeks. 

Like a confined dog,

I’d bark and bark,

until I was stuffed 

from loads of attention. 

My bones, toys, blanket,

and kibble wasn’t enough 

to fill me up. 

It felt fantastic 

to finally

unlock my dog cage. 

I was free 

to feed my famished soul 

with all my favourite people. 

Some days, 

I incessantly barked,

because I was 

still socially starving 

and couldn’t 

curb my cravings. 

Some days, 

I stayed put

in my homey dog cage,

and cozied up 

with my toys, kibble, bone,

and blanket. 

I wasn’t a wild animal,

I was just 

a socially starved dog 

who was kept 

in her cage 

for too long.


I don’t know which way 

to turn, enter and exit,

because I’m lost in my 

unlit and tangled labyrinth 

that I still run around in!

Messages To Decode


and words that are

cryptic codes I write out 

read aloud and keep cracking in

my brain. 

Boiling Water

When one lies to me

about someone I love

or something I’ve never done, 

it hurts my consciousness. 

It’s like pouring

a kettle of boiling water

onto my delicate head

and burning me with it.


Anger is smoke

I inhale and exhale.

It’s an invisible cigarette

that I keep in my inner pocket.

I inhale the words, sounds, and thoughts, 

and exhale the agony and displeasure. 


They’d grab me 

by the tail, 

and throw me

in the trash can;

goodbye dirty rat!

Venomous Snakes

Different snakes

slithered around me, 

as I’d stand

on the scaly grounds. 

I’d freeze

like an iceberg, 

staying afloat

in a wintry, ultramarine lake. 

Every time 

I wobbled, 



and hobbled, 

I’d be bitten. 

I’ve been plagued 

and injured enough; 

it’s about time 

I run away 

from those venomous snakes. 


Being socially unaware

makes me feel blind. 

I can’t wake up, 

open the blinds, 

and find the rising sun. 

I feel like I’ve been stuck 

in a pitch-black room, 

unable to break free

from my insecurities. 


“You Are the Daughter, I Expect You to Remain Silent.”


Breaking Free from Abuse: My Journey to Healing